Showing posts with label 2:1 Multiplexer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2:1 Multiplexer. Show all posts

September 3, 2024

Mastering Verilog: Implementing a 2:1 Multiplexer (MUX)

Welcome back to our Verilog series! In this blog post, we’ll explore the implementation of a 2:1 Multiplexer (MUX) in Verilog. A multiplexer is a fundamental digital circuit used to select one of several input signals and route it to a single output line based on a control signal.

Understanding how to implement a 2:1 MUX is essential for designing more complex digital systems. For a detailed insight into how a 2:1 MUX operates, including its truth table and operational principles, click on the link provided below:

2:1 Multiplexer: Detailed Overview and Truth Table

Below are the Verilog codes for a 2:1 multiplexer using two different modeling styles: Dataflow and Behavioral.

1] Dataflow Modeling:

In dataflow modeling, we describe the multiplexer behavior using the ternary operator to select between inputs based on the control signal.

module mux(y, s, i);
input [1:0] i; // 2-bit input vector
input s; // Select signal
output y; // Output
assign y = s ? i[1] : i[0]; // MUX functionality: if s is 1, output i[1]; otherwise, output i[0]

‘assign y = s ? i[1] : i[0];’ uses a conditional operator to select between ‘i[1]’ and ‘i[0]’ based on the value of ‘s’.

2] Behavioral Modeling:

In behavioral modeling, we use an ‘always’ block to describe the multiplexer’s functionality in a more descriptive manner.

module mux(y, s, i);
input [1:0] i; // 2-bit input vector
input s; // Select signal
output reg y; // Output
always @(*) begin
if (s) // If s is 1, select i[1]
= i[1]; // Output i[1]
y = i[0]; // Otherwise, output i[0]


  • The always@(*) block ensures that ‘y’ is updated whenever there is a change in ‘s’ or ‘i’.
  • The ‘if-else’ construct is used to determine the value of ‘y’ based on the value of ‘s’.


These Verilog implementations showcase how to model a 2:1 Multiplexer using different design approaches: dataflow and behavioral. Understanding these modeling styles will help you design and implement multiplexers effectively in your digital circuits.

What’s Next?

Explore these MUX implementations in your Verilog projects and experiment with variations to deepen your understanding. In the next post, we’ll dive into more complex digital circuits and their Verilog implementations.

Happy Coding!

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