Sequential circuits are a fundamental class of digital circuits where the output depends not only on the current input but also on the history of inputs. This is achieved by incorporating memory elements that store the state of the circuit. Sequential circuits are essential in various digital applications, including data storage, data transfer, and timing operations.
Unlike combinational circuits, which output results solely based on the present inputs, sequential circuits have a feedback mechanism, allowing them to remember past inputs. This memory feature makes them suitable for creating complex state machines, counters, shift registers, and more.
Below is a generic block diagram of a sequential circuit:

To understand sequential circuits better, explore the detailed articles on the various types of sequential circuits:
- Latches: Learn about the basic memory elements that store a single bit of data and their types, such as SR and D latches.
- Flip Flops: Understand the more complex memory elements used in digital systems, including SR, JK, D, and T flip flops.
- Counters: Explore different types of counters, both synchronous and asynchronous, and their applications in counting sequences.
- Registers: Discover how registers are used to store and manipulate multiple bits of data in digital circuits.
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