Showing posts with label Binary Addition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Binary Addition. Show all posts

April 10, 2024

Mastering Verilog: Implementing a Half Adder.

In this blog post, we’ll focus on implementing a Half Adder in Verilog. The Half Adder is a fundamental building block in digital circuits, used for adding two binary digits. Understanding how to implement a Half Adder is essential for more complex arithmetic operations.

Below is the Verilog code for the Half Adder:

module Half_Adder(input wire a, input wire b, output reg sum, output reg carry);
assign sum = a ^ b;
assign carry = a & b;


The a and b input wires represent the two binary digits to be added.
The sum output wire calculates the XOR of a and b, which gives the sum bit.
The carry output wire calculates the AND of a and b, which gives the carry bit.


Instantiate the Half_Adder module in your Verilog design and connect the input and output wires as needed to perform binary addition.

The Half Adder Verilog code provided above serves as a foundational example for implementing basic arithmetic logic in Verilog. Experiment with this code, understand its behavior, and use it as a building block for more complex digital arithmetic circuits.

Happy Coding!

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