Showing posts with label Logic Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Logic Design. Show all posts

September 5, 2024

Mastering Verilog: Implementing a Barrel Shifter

Welcome to another edition of our Verilog series! In this blog post, we’ll explore the implementation of a Barrel Shifter in Verilog. A Barrel Shifter is a versatile digital circuit used for shifting data bits left or right by a specified number of positions. It’s a fundamental building block in many digital systems, particularly in arithmetic operations and data manipulation.

Below is the Verilog code for a Barrel Shifter, implemented using a Behavioral Modeling approach:

In the behavioral modeling approach, we describe the shifting functionality using simple conditional logic to decide between left and right shifts.

module barrel_shifter(
output reg [7:0] out, // Output shifted result
input [7:0] in, // Input data
input [2:0] n, // Number of positions to shift
input l_r // Shift direction (1 for left, 0 for right)
always @(*) begin
if (l_r) begin
// Left shift operation
out = in << n;
end else begin
// Right shift operation
out = in >> n;


  • The always@(*) block ensures that the ‘out’ signal is updated whenever there is a change in the inputs ‘in’, ‘n’, or ‘l_r’.
  • If ‘l_r’ is high (‘1’), the input ‘in’ is shifted left by ‘n’ positions using the ‘<<’ operator.
  • If ‘l_r’ is low (‘0’), the input ‘in’ is shifted right by ‘n’ positions using the ‘>>’ operator.


This Verilog implementation of a Barrel Shifter demonstrates how to model a data-shifting circuit using behavioral constructs. Understanding how to design and implement a Barrel Shifter is essential for various applications in digital design, including arithmetic operations and data manipulation.

What’s Next?

Experiment with this Barrel Shifter design in your Verilog projects and explore how shifting data can be applied to solve different problems. In the next post, we’ll delve into more advanced digital circuit designs and their Verilog implementations.

Happy Coding!

Mastering Verilog: Implementing a Comparator

Welcome to another installment of our Verilog series! In this blog post, we’ll delve into the implementation of a Comparator in Verilog. Comparators are essential components in digital circuits, used to compare two values and determine their relationship — whether one is equal to, greater than, or smaller than the other.

Below are the Verilog codes for a 4-bit comparator using two different modeling styles: Dataflow and Behavioral.

1] Dataflow Modeling

In dataflow modeling, we describe the comparator functionality using continuous assignments.

module comparator (eq, gt, sm, a, b);
input [3:0] a, b;
output eq, gt, sm;
assign eq = (a == b); // Equality comparison
assign gt = (a > b); // Greater than comparison
assign sm = (a < b); // Smaller than comparison


  • ‘assign eq = (a == b);’ checks if ‘a’ is equal to ‘b’.
  • ‘assign gt = (a > b);’ checks if ‘a’ is greater than ‘b’.
  • ‘assign sm = (a < b);’ checks if ‘a’ is smaller than ‘b’.

2] Behavioral Modeling

In behavioral modeling, we use an ‘always’ block to describe the comparator’s functionality.

module comparator_bh (eq, gt, sm, a, b);
input [3:0] a, b;
output reg eq, gt, sm;
always @(*) begin
eq = (a == b); // Equality comparison
gt = (a > b); // Greater than comparison
sm = (a < b); // Smaller than comparison


  • The always@(*) block ensures that ‘eq’, ‘gt’, and ‘sm’ are updated whenever there is a change in ‘a’ or ‘b’.
  • The comparison operations are evaluated and assigned to the output variables accordingly.


These Verilog implementations demonstrate how to model a Comparator using different design approaches: dataflow and behavioral. Understanding these modeling styles will help you effectively compare values in your digital designs.

What’s Next?

Explore these comparator implementations in your Verilog projects and experiment with variations to enhance your understanding. In the next post, we’ll dive into more advanced digital components and their Verilog implementations.

Happy Coding!

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