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Showing posts with label Digital Systems Component. Show all posts

December 13, 2023

Universal Shift Register


Universal Shift Registers:

  • Previously, we explored the functionalities of shift registers that enable left and right data shifting, as well as data loading. However, imagine the need for a shift register that seamlessly integrates all these capabilities into a single, comprehensive unit. Introducing the universal shift register, a versatile solution that combines the abilities to shift data both left and right, while also facilitating simultaneous data loading.
  • The universal shift register marks a significant advancement by consolidating the features of various shift registers into a unified design. It offers the flexibility to perform left and right shifts as well as parallel loading, making it a powerful and adaptable component in digital systems. Below diagram shows a universal shift register using 4 D flip flops:
  • The universal shift register is designed to execute four distinct functionalities:
  1. Hold
  2. Shift Right
  3. Shift Left
  4. PIPO (Parallel Input Parallel Output)
  • The selection of a specific operation is determined by the control signals S0 and S1. To facilitate these operations, four 4:1 multiplexers (MUX) are employed, utilizing the outputs Q3, Q2, Q1, and Q0.
  1. In Hold mode, where data should remain static even after the application of a clock input, the output is looped back to the input, effectively connecting it to I0.
  2. For the Shift Right operation, necessitating a rightward movement of data, connections are established from Q0, Q1, Q2, and Q3 to I1, as depicted in the accompanying diagram.
  3. Conversely, for the Shift Left operation, involving a leftward shift, connections from Q2, Q1, Q0, and Q3 are linked to I2.
  4. To fulfill the requirements of the PIPO mode, where data needs to be directly connected to the inputs, D3, D2, D1, and D0 are directly linked to I3. This comprehensive approach ensures that the universal shift register seamlessly performs all the specified functions.

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