Static power consumption in VLSI is the power consumed when a circuit is idle, primarily due to leakage currents in the transistors. Dynamic power consumption occurs when the circuit is active and switching states, caused by the charging and discharging of capacitive loads. Dynamic power is dependent on the switching activity, the capacitance of the load, the supply voltage, and the clock frequency. Reducing either the switching activity, supply voltage, or capacitive load can help in reducing dynamic power consumption.
Hello, I'm Radha Kulkarni, an electronics engineer and a passionate blogger focused on VLSI and electronics concepts. I share my knowledge of VLSI and electronics concepts through informative and engaging blogs. My content covers a range of topics, including the latest trends, best practices, and insights into the industry. As someone passionate about my work, I enjoy connecting with others who share my interests and look forward to building a community around VLSI and electronics. Thank you!
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