January 6, 2023

Step-by-step guide on how to design and implement a Full adder using CMOS and sky130nm PDK.

  • The purpose of this project is to design a CMOS FULL ADDER using an Opensource EDA Tool called eSim, an Opensource Spice Simulator called ngspice, and Sky130 PDK. 
  • To explore the project, you can git clone using the command: git clone Github.

Table of Contents:



In this project, I am going to Design and Implement a FULL ADDER using CMOS Technology and I will also implement it using sky130nm technology. Design and Implementation will be done using esim and ngspice software. Full Adder is the digital circuit that will add 3 inputs and give 2 outputs. 3 inputs are A, B, C, and outputs are SUM, CARRY. Full Adder will do binary addition of A, B, and C and will give the sum of 3 inputs at SUM output and carry bit at CARRY output. We can verify the output using Circuit Waveforms. This complete design and implementation is done using VLSI technology which has features such as high speed, low power, low cost, and small size.



esim is an open-source EDA tool used for circuit design and simulation. Using esim we can draw a circuit using Kicad, generate netlist and simulate using Ngspice.

For more information: https://esim.fossee.in/home


ngspice is the open-source spice simulator for electric and electronic circuits. We can design circuits using JFET, MOSFET, and passive elements like resistors, capacitors, etc.

For more information: http://ngspice.sourceforge.net

Sky130nm PDK:

The SkyWater Open Source PDK is a collaboration between Google and SkyWater Technology Foundry to provide a fully open source Process Design Kit and related resources, which can be used to create manufacturable designs at SkyWater’s facility.

For more information: https://www.layouteditor.org/schematiceditor/libraries/skywater

The Download links for the above software are:

esim: https://esim.fossee.in/downloads

Ngspice: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ngspice/files/

Sky130 pdk: https://static.fossee.in/esim/installation-files/sky130_fd_pr.zip

Follow these steps for Sky130 download and implementaion:

  1. Download sky130 from this link mentioned above and unzip it.
  2. Save the .cir.out file in the sky_fd_pr folder as .cir file.
  3. Open with notepad and add the path .lib “models/sky130.lib.spice” tt at the top.
  4. Replace with CMOSP, mos_p with sky130_fd_pr_pfet_01v8 and CMOSN, mos_n with sky130_fd_pr_nfet_01v8.
  5. To replace the inductor, capacitor, resistor do it this way, for Ex: L1 out gnd 1m by x1 out gnd mid 0 sky130_fd_pr__ind_03_90.

Note: For more details go to the cells folder in sky_fd_pr.

Open the specific component folder which you want to use.

Then open the test folder and check the SPICE file.

The SPICE file is an example of the implementation of that component.

You will get to know how to use the component in your ckt.

  1. Now Run the circuit with ngspice.

To Run the ckt using ngspice:

  1. Right click on the .cir file.
  2. Click on Open With.
  3. Browse for the ngspice.
  4. If ngspice is not present scroll down click on More Apps.
  5. Go to the FOSSEE folder search for Ngspice and Run it.


Full Adder is a digital circuit that will add 3 binary inputs and will give 2 outputs namely SUM and CARRY. The 3 inputs are A, B, and C and outputs are SUM and CARRY. As we have 3 inputs we will have 8 input combinations. Using circuit design rules of CMOS we will design the circuit in such a way that the addition of 3 inputs will occur at SUM output and the carry bit will occur at CARRY output. While designing we have used a total of 28 Transistors. Full Adder using CMOS will be designed using 2 parts: PMOS (pull-up lattice) and NMOS (pull-down lattice). PMOS circuit is connected to supply voltage VDD and NMOS circuit is connected to ground GND. We will implement this circuit design using sky130nm technology. In the Circuit Waveform, we will verify the above implementation using clock pulse. In the output, we will give different input combinations through clock pulse and verify the logic using the output waveform.




Now, we will design the complete circuit using our reference circuit diagram with PMOS logic above and NMOS logic below. After connecting the complete we will get a circuit like below:

Label each and every component and port and check electrical rule checking and generate netlist file using spice and make changes in the netlist to add sky130 models. The netlist generated initially is as shown below:

EESchema Netlist Version 1.1 (Spice format) creation date: 2/8/2022 1:04:47 PM
To exclude a component from the Spice Netlist add [Spice_Netlist_Enabled] user FIELD set to: N
To reorder the component spice node sequence add [Spice_Node_Sequence] user FIELD and define sequence: 2,1,0
Sheet Name: / M1 /vdd /vin_a Net-M1-Pad3 /vdd mosfet_p
M2 /vdd /vin_a Net-M2-Pad3 /vdd mosfet_p
M3 /vdd /vin_b Net-M2-Pad3 /vdd mosfet_p
M4 /vdd /vin_c Net-M4-Pad3 /vdd mosfet_p
M5 /vdd /vin_a Net-M4-Pad3 /vdd mosfet_p
M6 /vdd /vin_b Net-M4-Pad3 /vdd mosfet_p
M7 Net-M1-Pad3 /vin_b Net-M14-Pad2 /vdd mosfet_p
M8 Net-M2-Pad3 /vin_c Net-M14-Pad2 /vdd mosfet_p
M9 Net-M4-Pad3 Net-M14-Pad2 Net-M12-Pad3 /vdd mosfet_p
M10 /vdd /vin_a Net-M10-Pad3 /vdd mosfet_p
M11 Net-M10-Pad3 /vin_b Net-M11-Pad3 /vdd mosfet_p
M12 Net-M11-Pad3 /vin_c Net-M12-Pad3 /vdd mosfet_p
M13 /vdd Net-M12-Pad3 /sum /vdd mosfet_p
M28 /sum Net-M12-Pad3 GND GND mosfet_n
M21 Net-M14-Pad2 /vin_b Net-M15-Pad1 GND mosfet_n
M15 Net-M15-Pad1 /vin_a GND GND mosfet_n
M16 Net-M16-Pad1 /vin_a GND GND mosfet_n
M17 Net-M16-Pad1 /vin_a GND GND mosfet_n
M18 Net-M18-Pad1 /vin_c GND GND mosfet_n
M22 Net-M14-Pad2 /vin_c Net-M16-Pad1 GND mosfet_n
M19 Net-M18-Pad1 /vin_a GND GND mosfet_n
M23 Net-M12-Pad3 Net-M14-Pad2 Net-M18-Pad1 GND mosfet_n
M20 Net-M18-Pad1 /vin_b GND GND mosfet_n
M26 Net-M12-Pad3 /vin_c Net-M25-Pad1 GND mosfet_n
M25 Net-M25-Pad1 /vin_b Net-M24-Pad1 GND mosfet_n
M24 Net-M24-Pad1 /vin_a GND GND mosfet_n
M27 /carry Net-M14-Pad2 GND GND mosfet_n
M14 /vdd Net-M14-Pad2 /carry /vdd mosfet_p
U1 /vdd /vin_a /vin_b /vin_c /sum /carry PORT

The netlist after making sky130 models syntax changes is as shown below:

.lib “sky130_fd_pr/models/sky130.lib.spice” tt
xM1 vdd vin_a Net-M1-Pad3 vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 w=1 l=0.5
xM7 Net-M1-Pad3 vin_b Net-M14-Pad2 vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 w=1 l=0.5
xM2 vdd vin_a Net-M2-Pad3 vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 w=1 l=0.5
xM3 vdd vin_b Net-M2-Pad3 vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 w=1 l=0.5
xM8 Net-M2-Pad3 vin_c Net-M14-Pad2 vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 w=1 l=0.5
xM4 vdd vin_c Net-M4-Pad3 vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 w=1 l=0.5
xM5 vdd vin_a Net-M4-Pad3 vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 w=1 l=0.5
xM6 vdd vin_b Net-M4-Pad3 vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 w=1 l=0.5
xM9 Net-M4-Pad3 Net-M14-Pad2 Net-M12-Pad3 vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 w=1 l=0.5
xM21 Net-M14-Pad2 vin_b Net-M15-Pad1 GND sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=0.42 l=0.5
xM15 Net-M15-Pad1 vin_a GND GND sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=0.42 l=0.5
xM22 Net-M14-Pad2 vin_c Net-M16-Pad1 GND sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=0.42 l=0.5
xM16 Net-M16-Pad1 vin_a GND GND sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=0.42 l=0.5
xM17 Net-M16-Pad1 vin_b GND GND sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=0.42 l=0.5
xM23 Net-M12-Pad3 Net-M14-Pad2 Net-M18-Pad1 GND sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=0.42 l=0.5
xM18 Net-M18-Pad1 vin_c GND GND sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=0.42 l=0.5
xM19 Net-M18-Pad1 vin_a GND GND sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=0.42 l=0.5
xM20 Net-M18-Pad1 vin_b GND GND sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=0.42 l=0.5
xM10 vdd vin_a Net-M10-Pad3 vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 w=1 l=0.5
xM11 Net-M10-Pad3 vin_b Net-M11-Pad3 vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 w=1 l=0.5
xM12 Net-M11-Pad3 vin_c Net-M12-Pad3 vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 w=1 l=0.5
xM26 Net-M12-Pad3 vin_c Net-M25-Pad1 GND sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=0.42 l=0.5
xM25 Net-M25-Pad1 vin_b Net-M24-Pad1 GND sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=0.42 l=0.5
xM24 Net-M24-Pad1 vin_a GND GND sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=0.42 l=0.5
xM13 vdd Net-M12-Pad3 sum vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 w=1 l=0.5
xM28 sum Net-M12-Pad3 GND GND sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=0.42 l=0.5
xM14 vdd Net-M14-Pad2 carry vdd sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8 w=1 l=0.5
xM27 carry Net-M14-Pad2 GND GND sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 w=0.42 l=0.5
Vdd vdd 0 3.3
Vd0 vin_a 0 pulse(0 2.2 0us 0s 0s 20us 40us)
Vd1 vin_b 0 pulse(0 2.2 5us 0s 0s 20us 40us)
Vd2 vin_c 0 pulse(0 2.2 15us 0s 0s 20us 40us)
.tran 0.1us 60us
plot V(carry) V(sum) +4 V(vin_c) +8 V(vin_b) +12 V(vin_a)+15

Note: sky130_fr_pd file for sky130 model must be present on the same file as .cir.out.

Truth Table for Full Adder using CMOS is as shown below:

Now, run the .cir.out file using ngspice and we will get the circuit waveforms as follows:

From the above waveform, we can verify the truth table for Full Adder using CMOS.


[1]N. Zhuang and H. Wu, “A new design of the CMOS full adder,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 27, №5, pp. 840–844, May 1992.

[2]N. H. E. Weste and K. Eshraghian, “Principles of CMOS VLSI design,” Addison Wesley, 1993.

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